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Lietuvos reformacijos istorijos ir kultūros draugija
Juridical Decision gives the Community Time to Catch Breath
Montag, den 31. Oktober 2011 um 14:21 Uhr
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sesija_birzai_2011_dThe Panevėžys Regional Court declared valid the decree of the Biržai District Court, following which, temporary means of legal protection for the buildings of the Biržai Evangelical Reformed church and the parsonage had been applied.

The decision gave the time for the the congregation members, who had been guarding their church for more than 90 days and nights, to catch their breath.

From now on, the church service will be held one time daily,at 18:15.On Sundays, as usual, it will be held at 11 o'clock.As the church is not being heated and the weather is becoming cooler, the tiring night guard shift will be revoked.

As the minister of Biržai Ev.Reformed congregation Rimas Mikalauskas said, there is no need for the congregation members to stay in the church at nights after the former judgement of the court had been anounced.

"The Action of the Prayer is continuing, though.The church is open all day, and everyone who wish to pray can come ", says R.Mikalauskas.

On a Thursday meeting of the Seniors'Council of the congregation it was decided to change the order of the Action of the Prayer and the order of watching the church building.

Temporary legal means for the church buildings had been asked for after the private security firm people, referring to the indenture with another juridical person, registered at the Ministry of Justice - the Collegium of Ev.Reformed church- had tried to seal the church door on the 24th of June, during the time of the assembly of the Evangelical reformed church.They explained that people would not be allowed into the church temporarily, as the building was going to be repaired.

Immediately after that, the members of the congregation, ministers and foreign guests started a continuous Action of Prayer and watched the church building for more than 90 days and nights.

The Biržai District Court satisfied the appeal of the congregation on 29th of June and decreed to give temporary legal protection until the appeal of the congregation was being looked into.

A complaint had been lodged on the decision.

A precedent when a church could be closed and the members of the congregation were deprived of religious services,had already been set by that time.

The Vilnius Evangelical Reformed congregation, renouncing a suspended minister Algimantas Kvedaravičius, stayed behind the church door. The church had been closed for repairs.The congregation with minister T.Šernas at the head,have been gathering at the Evangelical Lutheran church for ten years now.

Moreover,last summer, when everybody‘s attention was focused on the events in Biržai, the property belonging to the Vilnius congregation of the Evangelical Reformed church had been sold secretly.