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2006 - 2013 metų ref.lt archyvas

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„Kalbėdami tiesą su meile, aukime visais atžvilgiais tame, kuris yra galva, - Kristuje.“ (Ef4, 15)
Lietuvos reformacijos istorijos ir kultūros draugija
Knowledge acquired in America will be useful in Lithuania
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 11:18



Pasak R.    Mikalausko, Amerika investuoja į švietimą, kuris yra gera priemonė    keisti pasaulį.

Rimas Mikalauskas, the general superintendent of the Lithuanian Evangelic Reformers by invitation of USA Government participated in the international program of social leaders organized by this country. 

Recently after coming back from the stay in America, the priest say, that he not only has learned lot, found new friends, but also are full of ideas how individuals could change their own and others lives.

The priest took part in the study program "Non governmental organizations and civil engagement, where the famous Lithuanian politicians the President Dalia Grybauskaite and former Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas participated earlier.

He received the invitation to travel to the USA at the beginning of this year. The Washington Institute of International Training the aim of which is conducting studies organizes workshops on various topics. Some guests come to the country to participate in a program for social leaders, others - in workshops for politicians, lawyers, doctors and other trainings. According to R. Mikalauskas, in that way America invests in education which is a good tool to change the world.

The priest R. Mikalauskas told, that in the group of social leaders program there were representatives from twenty countries around the world. People from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Cyprus, Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Venezuela, Columbia, Kenya, Nigeria, Palestine, Cambodia and other together with him were interested in the life in America. They all were guests of USA, who could move wherever they wanted; meet with public men and politicians they wished.

The first meetings, lectures and discussions were held in Washington. Guests were acquainted with USA governance system, work of the Congress, the Supreme Court and the President. Later the leaders traveled to Portland city of Oregon state, where they surveyed the activity of public organizations. They were interested in education system and organization of voluntary job, met with representatives of the Indians, to whom the American Constitution is not valid.

R. Mikalauskas enjoyed that he had a chance to stay in Texas, where he was eleven years ago. The final meeting-discussion was organized in Miami city, Florida. He said that during the visit in Florida he felt and spring breathing and summer warmth (the air temperature raised up to 20 degree) and midsummer heat.


Not only nature surprised and delighted, but also established contacts with representatives of other countries and a huge experience, received at trainings and understanding how to use that experience, starting from charity field and ending on control of politicians. "Governmental institutions in the USA are controlled by non-governmental organizations, which sue for reports, determine facts of corruption. Publicity and transparency are the most effective tools of society's progress. Where people are active, there can be seen their work results" - said R. Mikalauskas.

He pointed out that higher educational schools qualify the Americans to work in public organizations and especially a lot of work is done by voluntaries. The law in the USA is very favorable for public organizations to create and operate.

The priest told he intends to study documents regulating public activity and voluntary work in our country and affiliate with people who are interested in public activity both in Lithuania and abroad. He hopes to use the obtained experience to protect public interests in the fields of moral values and individual development.

R. Mikalauskas pointed out, that Birzai region and Evangelical Reformers living there have beautiful pre-war society traditions. Before the war there were successfully operating Union of Evangelical Women's and an organization uniting youth "Radvila". Today "Radvila" continues the pre-war traditions and already many had been heard about a beautiful initiatives implemented by youth in the children's summer camps and cultural events.

Gražina Dagytė