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„Kalbėdami tiesą su meile, aukime visais atžvilgiais tame, kuris yra galva, - Kristuje.“ (Ef4, 15)
Lietuvos reformacijos istorijos ir kultūros draugija
The Return Service in Vilnius
Jeudi, 01 Novembre 2012 09:10
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ref.b.vln_mOn October 28 the evangelical reformed in Vilnius felt elated while gathering to their own temple to celebrate the Return Service with Baptism, Confirmation and Lord‘s Supper.

After the week full of good news concerning the decision made by Vilnius district court and the bailiff‘s ordinance to return the Lithuanian reformed churches in Vilnius, Salamiestis and Papilys, which were illegally taken away up till now from congregations, to the Synod of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Lithuania (Unitas Lithuaniae) I was bombarded with congratulations and comments via email, my wired phone and mobile phone. I could hardly find time to answer all the calls. The evangelical reformed congregation members, who had not „found" their way to church making excuses that they were waiting for their own church to open the door for them, inquired whether it was true that the coming Sunday we were going to pray in our own historical church and whether our eight-year „exile" was over.

konfirmantes_mOn Sunday before the service Rev. Raimondas Stankevičius and the chairperson of the Vilnius evangelical reformed congregation elder's council Mrs.Vida Cupreva thanked sincerely and said a hearty good-bye to Vilnius Lutheran congregation who had given us a shelter, love and warmth for 7 years. Seeing us off and congratulating on the return to our own church the pastor of the Lutheran congregation Rev. Ričardas Dokšas expressed his wish that we would never again need their shelter, but he would miss the evangelical reformed psalms which he used to hear while relaxing after his own service.

On Sunday service the Vilnius evangelical reformed church was overcrowded. So many people used to gather only during the first years of Lithuania‘s independence when we witnessed the revival of faith.

The service was held by the minister of the Vilnius evangelical reformed congregation Rev. Raimondas Stankevičius. He congratulated the members of the congregation and announced the service to be extraordinary not only because it was the Return service but the Confirmation service of adults as well. The Christian faith in the evangelical reformed church was confirmed by Ms. Audronė Palšytė, Ms. Virginija Apšegaitė, Mrs. Jūratė Verbickienė, Mrs. Auksė Tamariūnienė and twin sisters Mrs. Genutė Mikalajūnienė and Mrs. Danutė Kavaliauskienė.

In his sermon the pastor underlined that in this complicated period of time we have to arm us with all God‘s weapons and first of all to spread the peace Gospel but the necessary condition for that is the armor of justice - truth, integrity, sincerity.

In his speech General Superintendent Rev. Tomas Šernas said that God has given us one more opportunity to cherish our church and the evangelical reformed identity. We do not have to think that the „ armour of justice" is the glittering armor for protection of the right opinion. It might be that such an opinion is supported by a small group of people who do not dare or do not want to speak to us and search for peace? Although we have always been willing to do that....To be armed with „the armor of justice" means to be prepared for modesty and humility.... Today we feel elated but let us be unassuming and humble without hypocrisy. Humility excludes arguments, envy, disagreement and all the other things which ruin everything.

Humility helps us to develop and grow up. To be humble is not easy but we need to try continually. Only then we will be getting stronger in our Lord, only then we will be getting stronger as people and as a community. I pray to God for help that he would lead us Vilnius evangelical reformed congregation and our church on our way of humility and developing according of the Word of God.

After the pastor's reflections the musical pieces performed professionally by Rasa, Auksė, Zigmas, Damian raised our spirits even more.

That enjoyable day six women confirmed their Christian faith in the evangelical reformed church.

Traditionally the new members of the evangelical reformed church were congratulated by the pastor of the congregation who presented them with books „ The Basics of the Evangelical Faith" to remind them of the Confirmation day. The chairperson of the congregation gave them flowers wishing not to lose faith. Warm words were said by relatives, friends and the nearest and dearest.

The confirmed members of the community were congratulated by the the children from the Sunday school.

During the Lord‘s Supper psalms were sung by the choir of Vilnius evangelical reformed church „Giesmė". The previous day the choir had acted as a perfect representative of evangelical reformed Christians during the conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Reformation history and culture association.

After the service all the members of the community came together in Agape. The refreshments had been made by the new confirmed members, their friends and other parishioners.

Dalija Gudliauskienė