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Prisijungimas redaktoriams

Prisijunkite, norėdami redaguoti svetainės turinį.
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2006 - 2013 metų ref.lt archyvas

Ši svetainė yra 2006 - 2013 metų archyvas.


Užbaikite Šv. Rašto citatą: "Jei Viešpats panorės..."
„Kalbėdami tiesą su meile, aukime visais atžvilgiais tame, kuris yra galva, - Kristuje.“ (Ef4, 15)
Lietuvos reformacijos istorijos ir kultūros draugija
The Award To Priest Tomas Šernas
Friday, 23 September 2011 20:14
On September 22 at the Vilnius Officers‘ Club General Superintendent Priest Tomas Šernas was given the award for extraordinary merits to the Motherland, Nation and Vilnius. A small group of Vilnius parishioners together with Priest Raimondas Stankevičius took part in the award ceremony. Priest Tomas Šernas expressed his gratitude for the award and thanked all the people who had gathered.

This special award was given to all Medininkai customs officers who were killed in 1991. The medals were solemnly handed over to their families.

In 2009 thanks to the public and individual initiative the award for the merits to Vilnius and Nation was set up. The award committee was joined by the coordinating council of NGO which unites 21 public organisations.

The award for the merits to Vilnius and Nation has been given to over 150 people. This group includes such distinguished personalities as poet Justinas Marcinkevičius, academician Jonas Kubilius, the rector of Vilnius University Benediktas Juodka, professor Vytautas Landsbergis etc.
